Monday, June 18, 2018

Discussing about Body : I am anorexia , Bulimia, Orthorexia

Discussing about the body / healthy of course as a woman would be expected is a healthy body and with ideal body weight. But in fact it is not obtained easily and effortlessly. Everything requires a process from a mild and even self-harmful process. All can still be resolved before it's too late then. Know well about yourself.

The story of my anorexia begins since I started to know the internet and I do not feel guilty about this, of course there is no remorse for all this. The real results with the 12 kilogram loss drastic, I did it in just one month. This has been going on since 2010 until now, still continues.
Anorexia Nervosa is a psychological and potentially life-threatening eating disorder.
Those suffering from this eating disorder are typically suffering from an extremely low body weight relative to their height and body type.
Bulimia Nervosa is a psychological and severe life-threatening eating disorder described by the ingestion of an abnormally large amount of food in short time period, followed by an attempt to avoid gaining weight by purging what was consumed.
Orthorexia is the term for a condition that includes symptoms of obsessive behavior in pursuit of a healthy diet. Orthorexia sufferers often display signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders that frequently co-occur with anorexia nervosa or other eating disorders.

Torture is during meal times outside the home. It can not be denied that having a very good appetite actually, but to keep the body then must withstand the appetite. But I'm Fine.

It is a pure feeling that I experienced by living my life as anorexia and even as a bulimic.
1. Always feel dehydrated
2. Have trouble sleeping
3. Skin problems with acne / unhealthy skin look pale
4. Feeling uneasy and restless
5. Hate food
6. constipation / digestive problems
7. Emotional
8. The body is always tired
9. Always feel sick

All this is a way of life that will be itself resolved, no need for a doctor or specialist. If someone wants to recover from illness at least there must be a strong desire. No help from anyone else.


Will be sick or not is relatively for a mindset. All kinds of pain begin with the way of thinking individually. I think keeping the diet is a necessity and for the sake of a good and beautiful body, hunger is one of the best ways. Compared with exercise, hunger-proofing is still the best way to gain ideal weight. Holding a 1-day meal gained weight 1 kilo. Imagine holding hunger for a week so it will get drastic weight loss and this I have proved myself. And they said it was Anorexia, but actuallu I enjoyed this for 10 years untill now (June 18,2018)

I never really happily endured hunger if it was not just for the sake of body shape and maintaining weight. There is no motivation from all this. It all begins with feelings and wants to be the best among the competition to keep the body.

The environment with demands must keep the body perfectly fixed to be one of the things that hold the mind make me will spend all my life to diet and diet anytime.

I have to eat and drinks supplements for beauty body or skin just because I'm Addicted of have a good body.

I take care of my body and I think this is pure as a woman.

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