Sunday, June 17, 2018

ㅎ태 아이비 Savory crackers Low sugar / IVY Savory crackers Low sugar

Good snack for your body 

Description: HaiTai ivy cracker with low sugar. Ivey is more delicious ear with cheese and vegetable.

Package Details: 50g
Country of Origin: South Korea
Ingredients: Flour, Palm Oil, Corn Starch, Shortening, Lactic Acid Powder
Storage Method: Avoid direct sunlight, high temperatures, and humidity.

Favorite healthy topping and enjoy a single serving.
Protein inside Crackers
Eating a healthy, protein-rich food with your low-sodium, whole-grain crackers is an excellent way to boost satiety. This in turn can help you control your overall calorie intake for effective weight loss. Try low-sodium, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat milk or yogurt, black or pinto beans, grilled chicken cubes, unsalted nuts and seeds or reduced-fat, low-sodium cheese with your crackers to complete your healthy snack and help you shed pounds.

And I love this 아이비 Savory crackers Low sugar

Another Varian Haitai Crackers with a little sugar ingredient

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