Sunday, July 8, 2018

The reasons why you always to feel hungry after workout

The first you must know well about workout. What is workout ?

Work out is : 
  • to achieve or accomplish by effort
  • to devise or formulate
  • to prove satisfactory or effective
  • to happen as specified
  • to take part in physical exercise, as in training
  • to reach a total
  • to understand the real nature of
  • a session of physical exercise, esp for training or practice

Why Should work out ?

Because Exercise helps reduce your blood pressure, in part, by attacking the plaque in your arteries. As the arteries widen, the blood flows through more freely, and your blood pressure eventually starts to drop. Hypertension also decreases as the result of exercise because your heart, a muscle, is getting a workout.

After work out everyone must feel hungry, didn't you ? Why ?
Come on discuss about it.
  • You burned a lot of calories, so you think you should be hungry, which makes you decide you’re hungry.
  • If you haven’t eaten for more than three or four hours, you should avoid heading into a workout
  • You may end up getting hungry as your body acid levels return to normal, but the fact that you did a high intensity training session may still leave you with a subdued appetite.
From the explanation that I got from many nutritionist / some information form internet that hungry is a feeling that you can choose to do or not, eat or not to eat is up to you. But for me, I eat only if I didn't eat for at least 16 hours because I'm still sick about anorexia and ever bulimia.
Note : You shouldn't do this because some people said that anorexia is a very bad condition that exist in this world.

After work out you can easily choose digested foods that will promote faster nutrient absorption and good for your body, also healthy.

  • Eggs
  • yogurt
  • cheese
  • Fish
  • Chicken
  • Avocado
  • Nuts
  • Dried fruits
  • potatoes
  • milk
  • Quinoa
  • Fruits
  • Rice
  • Oatmeal
  • Pasta
  • green vegetables
 Form that options I'm not interesting at all but I push myself to like it or hungry till down. But I never let myself down so I keep being follow the rules. Eat while at least 16 hours since last meal.

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