Friday, July 13, 2018
Sunday, July 8, 2018
The reasons why you always to feel hungry after workout
The first you must know well about workout. What is workout ?
Work out is :
Why Should work out ?
Because Exercise helps reduce your blood pressure, in part, by attacking the plaque in your arteries. As the arteries widen, the blood flows through more freely, and your blood pressure eventually starts to drop. Hypertension also decreases as the result of exercise because your heart, a muscle, is getting a workout.
After work out everyone must feel hungry, didn't you ? Why ?
Come on discuss about it.
Note : You shouldn't do this because some people said that anorexia is a very bad condition that exist in this world.
After work out you can easily choose digested foods that will promote faster nutrient absorption and good for your body, also healthy.
Work out is :
- to achieve or accomplish by effort
- to devise or formulate
- to prove satisfactory or effective
- to happen as specified
- to take part in physical exercise, as in training
- to reach a total
- to understand the real nature of
- a session of physical exercise, esp for training or practice
Why Should work out ?
Because Exercise helps reduce your blood pressure, in part, by attacking the plaque in your arteries. As the arteries widen, the blood flows through more freely, and your blood pressure eventually starts to drop. Hypertension also decreases as the result of exercise because your heart, a muscle, is getting a workout.
After work out everyone must feel hungry, didn't you ? Why ?
Come on discuss about it.
- You burned a lot of calories, so you think you should be hungry, which makes you decide you’re hungry.
- If you haven’t eaten for more than three or four hours, you should avoid heading into a workout
- You may end up getting hungry as your body acid levels return to normal, but the fact that you did a high intensity training session may still leave you with a subdued appetite.
Note : You shouldn't do this because some people said that anorexia is a very bad condition that exist in this world.
After work out you can easily choose digested foods that will promote faster nutrient absorption and good for your body, also healthy.
- Eggs
- yogurt
- cheese
- Fish
- Chicken
- Avocado
- Nuts
- Dried fruits
- potatoes
- milk
- Quinoa
- Fruits
- Rice
- Oatmeal
- Pasta
- green vegetables
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Why we must know about Chakra?
Anser : Because we are all made of pure energy and we share it with the Earth.
Chakra is an old Sanskrit word that literally translates to wheel.
However, if one of your chakras is too open and spinning too quickly, or if it is too closed and moving slowly, your health will suffer.
The Seven Chakras:
1. The Root Chakra “Muladhara”
base of the spine — red
The Root Chakra serves to draw energy from natural sources and nature and helps transform it into life energy
Indication :
- Lack of energy,
- no motivation,
- fears and worries,
- negative self-image,
- digestion problems,
- circulation problems.
2. The Sacral Chakra “Svadhishthana”
below the navel — orange
The Sacral Chakra, also known as the 'the second chakra,' is the center of sexual energy and the joy of life.
Indication :
- Mood swings,
- uncontrolled urges,
- the inability of creative expression,
- no joy in life,
- sexuality issues,
- reproductive organs health problems.
3. The Solar Plexus Chakra “Manipura”
stomach area — yellow
is the repository of energy from which the power of life and vitality flow throughout the entire body.
Indication :
- stress
- uncontrolled emotions
- pent up aggression
- sleeping problems or insomnia
- indigestion problems
- allergies
4. The Heart Chakra “Anahata”
center of the chest — green
is in the center of the chakra system and the center of the human body.
Indication :
- Insensitivity,
- loneliness,
- dysfunctional relationships,
- heart and chest problems,
- low or high blood pressure,
- respiratory problems.
5. The Throat Chakra “Vishuddha”
base of the throat — blue
It is positioned in the neck, in line with the throat and tasked with keeping the balance between emotions and intellect.
Indication :
- Shyness,
- inability to express yourself,
- communication problems,
- throat and neck issues,
- weight problems,
- dental problems.
6. The 3rd Eye Chakra “Ajna”
forehead, just above area between the eyes — indigo
Strongly related to concentration and consciousness.
Indication :
- anxieties and phobias
- problems with concentration
- depression
- eyesight issues
- headaches and migraines
- problems with sinuses
Sunday, July 1, 2018
Why the scales said I'm gained weight while I start to GYM
Stay true and train hard more
There are a few reasonable explanations as to why the scales said you gained weight all of a sudden.
The Personal Trainer said that : Daily weigh-ins can create unnecessary stress, fixation, pressure and even obsession which is not healthy for anyone.
And also said something about me, yes it's real : If the scale shows a 'good' (lower) number, you always feel better about your body. However, if the scale shows a 'bad' (higher) number, you may feel like you have failed with anything especially about your life.
Stay true and train hard more..
Not only does your weight change every day, it also changes at different times throughout a single day. So there is no point weighing yourself every day and definitely not multiple times a day.
There are a few reasonable explanations as to why the scales said you gained weight all of a sudden.
1. Gained muscle mass
If you've been training hard and get on the scales and see you've gained a few kilos (but still feel the same weight, or slimmer), chances are you've gained muscle mass, which is much more dense than fat.
2. Your diet is high in sodium
The reason these weight fluctuations occur is because of body fluid fluctuations. Your body might retain water from a high sodium consumption, or you may not have gone to the bathroom yet.
3.Not Consistent With Your Workouts
Instead of 45 minutes of cardio, just promise yourself 10 minutes of any light activity. Your commitments will grow, but only once you’ve proved to yourself.
People will only take an action to prevent them from feeling a certain way, or to gain feelings that they want to feel. Everything we do hangs around the feelings we feel when we do it.
4. Mood / Feeling
It’s natural to lean on our strengths, and that’s why we love our positive identities so much.
At the end of the day it is the way that we perceive ourselves that drives our behaviors.
5. Time, Always feel busy but actually avoid tired like before
There is someone busier who is working out right now. You’ll have to drop some activity like spensing time to going out for eat junk food or wasting time at coffee shop.
6. Blood and Insulin
Your blood might do other things to make up for the weakened pumping of your heart. Pump the blood anda weight gain.
While higher total daily dose (TDD) of insulin has been associated with excess weight gain on insulin pump therapy, the role of higher total basal dose (TBD) of insulin on weight gain has not been studied. We evaluated the impact of higher TBD on weight gain in relationship to glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), hypoglycemic episodes, and change in body mass index (BMI) z score in a group of pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM).
Excess weight gain was associated with lower bolus to basal insulin ratios independent of glycemic control and activity level. Evaluation of bolus and basal insulin doses during insulin therapy is warranted in order to avoid excess weight gain.
Instead of 1 hour of cardio, just promise yourself 30 minutes of any light activity. Your commitments will grow, but only once you’ve proved to yourself that you can stick to the smaller ones.
When you make healthy lifestyle choices, you can see dramatic, long-lasting changes in these particular numbers, which should be motivation in itself to keep pushing on with healthy eating and exercise habits.
There are a few reasonable explanations as to why the scales said you gained weight all of a sudden.
The Personal Trainer said that : Daily weigh-ins can create unnecessary stress, fixation, pressure and even obsession which is not healthy for anyone.
And also said something about me, yes it's real : If the scale shows a 'good' (lower) number, you always feel better about your body. However, if the scale shows a 'bad' (higher) number, you may feel like you have failed with anything especially about your life.
Stay true and train hard more..
Not only does your weight change every day, it also changes at different times throughout a single day. So there is no point weighing yourself every day and definitely not multiple times a day.
There are a few reasonable explanations as to why the scales said you gained weight all of a sudden.
1. Gained muscle mass
If you've been training hard and get on the scales and see you've gained a few kilos (but still feel the same weight, or slimmer), chances are you've gained muscle mass, which is much more dense than fat.
2. Your diet is high in sodium
The reason these weight fluctuations occur is because of body fluid fluctuations. Your body might retain water from a high sodium consumption, or you may not have gone to the bathroom yet.
3.Not Consistent With Your Workouts
Instead of 45 minutes of cardio, just promise yourself 10 minutes of any light activity. Your commitments will grow, but only once you’ve proved to yourself.
People will only take an action to prevent them from feeling a certain way, or to gain feelings that they want to feel. Everything we do hangs around the feelings we feel when we do it.
4. Mood / Feeling
It’s natural to lean on our strengths, and that’s why we love our positive identities so much.
At the end of the day it is the way that we perceive ourselves that drives our behaviors.
5. Time, Always feel busy but actually avoid tired like before
There is someone busier who is working out right now. You’ll have to drop some activity like spensing time to going out for eat junk food or wasting time at coffee shop.
6. Blood and Insulin
Your blood might do other things to make up for the weakened pumping of your heart. Pump the blood anda weight gain.
While higher total daily dose (TDD) of insulin has been associated with excess weight gain on insulin pump therapy, the role of higher total basal dose (TBD) of insulin on weight gain has not been studied. We evaluated the impact of higher TBD on weight gain in relationship to glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), hypoglycemic episodes, and change in body mass index (BMI) z score in a group of pediatric patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM).
Excess weight gain was associated with lower bolus to basal insulin ratios independent of glycemic control and activity level. Evaluation of bolus and basal insulin doses during insulin therapy is warranted in order to avoid excess weight gain.
Instead of 1 hour of cardio, just promise yourself 30 minutes of any light activity. Your commitments will grow, but only once you’ve proved to yourself that you can stick to the smaller ones.
When you make healthy lifestyle choices, you can see dramatic, long-lasting changes in these particular numbers, which should be motivation in itself to keep pushing on with healthy eating and exercise habits.
Soya Milk For your Body
The soya bean is now the most widely grown and utilised legume worldwide.
It was an essential crop for the ancient Chinese who regarded it a necessity for life. Soya beans were introduced into other regions of Asia centuries later and it wasn’t until the early 20th century that it began to be used for more than animal feed in the West.
It was an essential crop for the ancient Chinese who regarded it a necessity for life. Soya beans were introduced into other regions of Asia centuries later and it wasn’t until the early 20th century that it began to be used for more than animal feed in the West.
- Miso – a fermented soya bean paste that is used as a flavouring, popular in Asian cuisine. It is a good source of many minerals.
- Tempeh – is an Indonesian specialty typically made by cooking and dehulling soya beans and forming a textured, solid ‘cake’. It is a very good source of protein, B vitamins and minerals.
- Tofu – also known as bean curd is made from soya milk by coagulating the soya proteins with calcium or magnesium salts. The whey is discarded and the curds are processed. It is an excellent source of iron and calcium and a very good source of protein.
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